5、在北美新自由贸易协定 (USMCA,旧称NAFTA)下,加拿大高学历的人才不仅可以在加拿大的企业里工作,也可以到美国就业;
6、在加拿大取得政府认可的学历,可获得1-3年的毕业工签(Post-Graduate Work Permit),工作满一年就可通过省提名(PNP)或者快速通道(EE)申请移民加拿大。如果学生学历、英文成绩满足条件的话,通过快速通道移民仅需要6个月时间就能成功移民。
According to statistics from the Canadian Immigration Department, as of the end of 2018, the total number of international students studying in Canada exceeded 570,000. Chinese students ranked second among all foreign students in Canada, only behind students from India. Chinese students accounted for 25% of the total international student population, approximately 143,000 people. Statistically, one-third of foreign students in Canada come from China, with an annual addition of 30,000 Chinese students.
Canada is currently one of the world's most popular study destinations, especially since the establishment of visa centers in China, leading to a continuous and rapid growth in the number of students choosing to study in Canada. Additionally, Canadian education is gaining increasing recognition from domestic students and families. Industry experts predict that in the next decade, the total number of Chinese students studying in Canada may surpass those going to the United Kingdom and the United States.
Canada's ability to consistently attract more international students can be attributed to its unique advantages:
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